Hospital Services

Ancillary Services

Diagnostic Imaging

  1. General Radiography (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Sunday)
    • Abdominal X-Ray
    • Cranial X-Ray
    • Upper and Lower Extremities
  2. Mammography (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Saturday)
    • Screening Mammography
    • Diagnostic Mammography
    • Galactography
    • Needle Wire Localization Biopsy
  3. Audiometry/DEXA Densitometry (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday – Friday)
  4. Heart Station (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday – Friday)
    • 2D Echocardiography
    • Electrocardiography
    • Peripheral Vascular Study
    • Stress Test
    • Special Procedure
      • Barium Enema (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)
      • Upper Gastro Intestinal Series (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)
      • Barium Swallow/Esophagography (8:00am – 12:00nn; Saturday)
      • Voiding Cysto-Urethrography (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)
    • ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)
      • Fistulography
      • Sialography
      • T-Tube Cholangiography
      • Intravenous Pyelography
      • Retrograde Pyelography
  5. Ultrasound (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)(8:00am – 12:00nn; Saturday) EXCEPT STAT
    • Abdominal Ultrasound
    • Small parts (Thyroid, Scrotum, Superficial Soft Tissues)
    • Breast Ultrasound
    • Doppler Ultrasound
    • Guided Biopsy/Aspiration and Interventions
  6. CT Scan (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)
    • Cranial CT Scan (8:00am – 1:00pm)
    • Head and Neck CT Scan (Temporal Bone/Pharynx/Paranasal Sinus) (8:00am – 12:00nn; Saturday)
    • CT Stonogram
    • Abdominal CT Scan
    • Upper and Lower Extremities CT Scan
    • Vertebral CT Scan
    • Guided Biopsy/Aspiration and Interventions
    • Peripheral Vascular and Interventional Radiology (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)
      • Angiography
      • Percuntaneous Transhepatic (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday)
      • Biliary Drainage
      • Nephrostomy Tube Insertion
      • Percutaneous Abscess/Cystic Drainage
  7. Echocardiography and Vascular
    • 2D Echocardiography Pedia/Adult (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday) (8:00am – 12:00nn; Saturday)
    • Stress Echo (8:00am – 12:00nn; Saturday)
    • Carotid/Venous/Arterial/Renal Duplex Scan
    • Transcranial
  8. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (8:00am – 5:00pm; Monday to Friday) Examination done outside Working Hours and during Holidays are considered STAT Cases.
General Radiography
Stress Testing
Heart Station
CT Scan (128 Slices)

Laboratory Services


    • Tumor Makers
    • Alpha Feto Protein (AFP)
    • B-HCG
    • Ca 125
    • Ca 153
    • Ca 19-9
    • CEA (Carsinoembryonic  Antigen)
    • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
    • Thyroid Panel
    • T3
    • T4
    • TSH
    • FT4 (Free T4)
    • Hepatitis Profile
    • HBsAg (Quantitative and Qualitative)
    • Anti-HBs (Quantitative)
    • HBeAg
    • Anti Hbe
    • Anti HBc Igm
    • Anti HBc IgG/Total
    • Anti HCV (Qualitative)
    • Autoimmune Disease Markers
    • ANA-8s
    • DsDNA
    • Complement 3 (C3)
    • ACA (Anticardiolipin Antibody) Panel
    • ACA lgM
    • ACA lgG
    • Beta – 2 Glycoprotein lgM
    • Beta – 2 Glycoprotein lgG
  • Others:
    • Ham’s Test
    • Ferritin
    • H. Pylori (Qualitative)
    • Typhoid (Salmonella Typhi)
    • VDRL (Syphilis Test)
    • ASO (Anti-Streptoysin O)
    • CRP (C-Creative Protein)
    • RF/RA (Rheumatoid Factor)
    • Dengue Duo
Available 8:00am-4:00pm; Monday to Saturday
Additional 30% charge on:

  • Sundays and Holidays
  • Weekdays 5:00 pm to 6:00 am


  • DRVVT (Diluted Russel Viper Venom Test
  • PTT-LA (Partial Thromboplastin Time-Lupus Anticoagulant)
  • ACA PANEL (Anticardiolipin Antibody)

Available 24 hours except for schedule special tests like APAS panel

Blood Banking

  • Cross matching
  • Blood typing
  • RH Confirmatory
  • Coombs Test

Available 24 hours except for schedule special tests like APAS panel

Drug Testing

  • Met (Methamphetamine
  • THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

Available 8:00am-4:00pm; Monday to Saturday

Newborn Screening

  • Newborn Screening Test
  • Expanded Newborn Screening
  • Collection 8:00am – 4:00pm; Monday to Saturday, ideally with lactose intake after 24 hours of birth or after 25 hours upon physicians request.


  • Acid Fast Stain for TB (AFB)
  • Blood Culture and Sensitivity
  • Culture and Sensitivity
  • Gram Stain
  • India Ink
  • KOH for Fungus
  • Defficile Test

Prothrombin Time
APTT (Activated Partial Tromboplastin Time) run by batch 8 pax
Additional 30% charge on:

  • Sundays and Holidays
  • Weekdays 5:00pm to 6:00am


  • Albumin for
    • Serum
    • Random Urine
    • 24 hours urine
  • A/G Ratio (Albumin/Globunin Ratio)
    • Total Protein
    • Albumin
    • Globulin
    • A/G Ratio
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase)/SGP
  • Ammonia (NH3)
  • Amylase
  • AST/SGOT (Asparte Aminotransferase)
  • Bilirubin
    • DBIL (Direct Bilirubin)
    • TBIL (Total Bilirubin)
    • IBIL (Indirect Bilirubin)
  • BUN (Blood  Urea Nitrogen)
  • CKMB
  • Creatinine
  • Electrolytes
    • Na+(Sodium)
    • K++(Potassium)
    • Ca++(Calcium)
    • Cl-(Chloride)
    • Mg++(Magnesium)
  • Glucose
    • Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
    • 1 hour OGCT/1 PPBS
    • 2 hours PPBS/OGBS
    • OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test)

Available 24 hours but the releasing of results depends on the test

Hematology/CBC Complete Blood Count

  • Hemoglobin (Hgb.)
  • Hematocrit (Hct.)
  • Red Blood Cells Count (RBC)
  • White Blood Cells (WBC)
  • Platelet Count (Plt.Ct.)
  • Reticuloccyte Ct.
  • ESR (Erythocyte Sedimentation Rate
  • Blood Smear for Malarial Parasite (BSMP)
  • Cell Ct./Diff Ct. (CSF/Body Fluids)

Available 24 hours except test that requires fasting such as FBS, OGTT, Phosphorus and Lipid Profile.
Additional 30% charge on:

  • Sundays and Holidays
  • Weekdays 5:00pm to 6:00am

Urinalysis and Parasitology

  • Urinalysis
  • Micral Test
  • HCG Pregnancy Test
  • Qualitative Test for Sugar
  • Qualitative Test for Protein
  • Urine Specific Gravity
  • Urine pH
  • Urine Ketone
  • Blood
  • Urine Biliburin
  • Urine Urobilinogen
  • Fecalysis
  • Fecal Occult Blood Test
  • Seminalysis
  • Apt’s Test
  • H. Pylori (Stool)

Clinical Histopathology

  • ER, PR, Her2
  • Tissue Biopsy
  • Frozen Section
  • Cell Block (Fluid Cytology)
  • Pap Smear /Slide Cytology
  • FNAB (CT Scan Guided Operation Biopsy)
  • Review Slide (2nd Opinion)

Available 8:00am – 4:00pm; Monday to Saturday except Frozen Section upon doctor’s request.

Available 24 hours
Additional 30% charge on:

  • Sundays and Holidays
  • Weekdays 5:00pm to 6:00am

Random blood sugar (RBS)
Other Specimen (CSF and body fluids)

  • HBAIC (Glycosylated hemoglobin
  • LDH
  • Ionized Calcium
  • Lipid Profile


  • HDL – CHOLE (High Density Lipoprotein
  • LDL – Cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein)
  • Lipase
  • Phosphorous (PHOS)
  • Serum Uric Acid (SUA)
  • Troponin I (Trop.I)
  • TPBF (Total Protein Body Fluids)

Plueral Fluid
Peritoneal Fluid
Ascitic Fluid


SPH Main Pharmacy (Opens 24 hours a day and 7 days a week)
Contact # (082) 222-6100 local numbers 133, 122, and 153

MEDEXPRESS (8:00am – 8:00pm; Monday to Saturday)
Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 193

Respiratory Therapy

Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 154
24 hours Daily Monday to Sunday

  1. Blood Gases
  2. Pulmonary Function Test
  3. Ventilator and Pulse Oximeter

Physical Therapy

Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 138
8:00am – 4:00pm; Monday to Friday


Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 155
4:00am – 8:00pm; Monday to Sunday

  1. Meal Hours for Patients
    • Breakfast (6:30am – 7:30pm)
    • Lunch (11:00am – 12:30pm)
    • Dinner (5:00pm – 6:30pm)
  2. Nasogastric Tube Feeding Formula
  3. Patient’s Diet Instruction (9:00am – 4:00pm; Monday to Friday)

Medical Records Section

Office Hours – (8:00am – 4:00pm; Monday to Saturday)
For Inquiries please contact telephone number (082) 222-6100 local number 115 and 151

Main Pharmacy
Respiratory Therapy
Med Express Pharmacy
Physical Therapy

Nursing Services

    • An endoscopy unit with top of the line equipment’s manned by Board Certified
      Gastroenterologists and trained endoscopy nurses;
    • Renal Dialysis Unit (RDU) with microbial reverse osmosis machine that caters to both in- patients and out-patients.
    • Operating rooms with top of the line equipment manned by efficient personnel to assure strict aseptic techniques;
    • Delivery Room with caring staff and top of the line equipment like electronic fetal monitoring to help bring a child safely into the world.
    • Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Complex with complete facilities, manned by Board Certified Intensivists and well-trained nursing staff;
    • NICU and PICU where critical and high risk neonates and pediatric patients are monitored and taken cared of by competent staff, equipped with the state of the art facilities;

Emergency Room Complex

    • Admitting Section (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 106)
    • Outpatient Section (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 102)
    • Infusion Unit (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 220, 232)

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

    • (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 136)
      1. Low Risk and High Risk Newborns (Full Term/Pre Term)
      2. Immunization (for In Patient’s)
        • BCG Vaccination
        • Hepatitis B Vaccination
      3. Newborn Screening
      4. Expanded Newborn Screening
      5. In-Patient Breastfeeding Room
      6. Newborn Hearing Screening

Delivery Room

    • 24 hours Daily (Monday to Sunday)
      (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 136)
  1. Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
    • Vacuum Extraction
    • Forceps Extraction
    • Breech Extraction
  2. Cesarean Section
    • Low Segment Transverse Cesarean Section
    • Pfannensteil Cesarean Section
  3. High Risk Pregnancy
    • Pre Term Labor
    • Eclampsia
    • Pre Eclampsi
    • Placenta Previa
    • Abruptio Placenta
  4. Lamaze Delivery
  5. Septic Pregnant Woman
    • Term Pregnancy
    • Premature Pregnancy
  6. Electro Fetal Monitoring
    • Non Stress Test
    • OPD Patients
  7. Induction of Labor
  8. Fetal Death in Utero Delivery
  9. Package Deal
    • NSVD
    • CS
  10. Service Case
    • NSVD
    • CS

Operating Room Complex

    • (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 131)
    • Endoscopy unit
      (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 160)
    • Procedures
      1. Colorectal
      2. General Surgery
      3. Laparoscopic/Endoscopic Surgery
      4. Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic Surgery
      5. Dental Surgery
      6. EENT-Cochlear Implant
      7. Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic
      8. Neuro Surgery
      9. Orthopedic Surgery
      10. Oculoplastic Surgery
      11. Gynecology
      12. Pelvic Laparoscopy
      13. Hysteroscopy
      14. Urology
      15. Cardiovascular Surgery
      16. Pediatric Surgery
      17. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
      18. Cardiothoracic Surgery
      19. Opthalmic Surgery
      20. Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) (24 hours service)
      21. Packages
        • Cataract
        • Total Abdominal Hysterectomy B
        • Vaginal Hysterectomy
        • Exlap (Gyne)
        • D and C
        • Marsupialization
        • Excision of Bartholin’s Cyst/Excision of Vulvar Cyst
      22. Service Cases
        • OB Gyne Cases
      23. Charity Cases
        • Surgery
      24. Ambulatory Surgeries
Emergency Room
Delivery Room
Delivery Labor Room
Renal Dialysis Unit

Renal Dialysis Unit

    • (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 241, 242)

ICU Complex (Intensive Care Unit)

    • (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local numbers 130 and 142)

Pediatric ICU (PICU)

    • (Contact # (082) 222-6100 local number 144)

Wards – Room Accommodation

NICU Kangaroo Mother Care
ICU Complex
ICU Complex

Other Services

    • An ambulance service to transport patients to and from the hospital.
    • Physical Rehabilitation Unit manned by Board Certified Physiatrists and Physical Therapists to help patients improve and restore their physical functions;
    • Medical Social Service to assist patients in their financial need.